Tuesday, November 29, 2011


 Have you ever thought about the word 'jungle'? Say it slowly to yourself a few times. It's a strange word. Jungle... jungle. Ha ha!  But that's beside the point.

These are the plants I have in my room. They are a Happy Thought. The nice thing about it is it keeps the air very fresh. Which is nice because my room is right above the kitchen. Food smells really good when it's cooking and when you're eating it, but after that... not so much. So, it's nice to have plants. And this is a very random post. So there.



Anna Kristine said...

I love plants! I need to get some for my house! Yours look so lovely and happy!

SisterlyLove said...

Astro Turf.

Vanessa at Rescued Goods said...

so true! I just heard that pointsettias (spelled wrong, I know)are one of the best for cleaning the air. They are all great, right?!